As I watched a movie called Animal Farm, a 1999 tv movie directed by John Stephenson, one word came from my mouth, weird. The film tells the story of how the animals of a farm successfully revolt against its human owner, only to slide into a more brutal tyranny among them.
Honestly saying, this movie kind of weird to me in a way of, how possible animals could act such ways like in the movie. Especially when the movie centres Pigs as the dominant or leaders among other animal, it’s not that I have issues or offensive towards pigs, but I’m just being realistic. Who loves pigs? We hardly find one right? So, that is my point. By putting Pigs as the main roles, the viewer’s surely won’t feel comfortable throughout the whole movie.
Another thing that bothers me during the movie was I keep on wondering why human, could look up to animal and even deal with them and even treat them at the same level as human. Maybe I hardly figure out the production’s intention in delivering this movie’s message, but in my eyes, everything seems not right everywhere. For me, animals are animals, and humans are humans. There are gaps over there. Plus, in the movie, the pig named Napoleon can even interact with humans in the movie. What is the point, I am not sure.
All in all, it’s not that I hundred per cent objecting this movie because from afar, I did see the message that they are trying to deliver to the audience. But maybe they had used a method that my mentality hardly accepts from the beginning until the end. Maybe I’m discriminating on an obvious way, but I’m just letting out my thoughts about this movie. How about you? Make your judgement today.
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