Saturday, January 28, 2012

Want to Start or Want to Quit?

From kids to our parents’ generation, who doesn’t have Facebook? Almost impossible to find none but now, everything has changed when quitting Facebook is even cooler than having one.

Based on the article written by the reporter from New York Times, Jenna Wortham - All The Cool Kids Are Quitting Facebook, Facebook really did continue to grow in the early years. But nothing lasts forever since the percentage of the newcomers not really reaches the expected figures based on the research made from October 2009 to October 2010.

Why such thing happened actually? I get shocked myself once I read the article because it seems pretty obvious that Facebook is like “everyone’s thing” these days. As a Facebook user myself, I did notice that everyone seemed to get hitch with Facebook itself in the early years like 2009 but it has become like a table turner  when the result of the research revealed.

As we can determine by ourselves, Facebook can become our friend but at the same time it can also be our enemy. Because there must be good reasons why people start to use Facebook at the first place isn’t it? I have my own reasons why I did sign up on Facebook myself. As for my own reasons, I start to use it because to be honest, I wanted to follow the trend when everyone starts to have their own Facebook accounts. Then, I wanted to re-connect with my old friends and want to know about their out-and-about.

But now, people start to quit Facebook because it’s even cooler. Why? There are several good reasons that make such good senses. For example, people started to not communicate with each other lively. Because through Facebook, yes it’s true that we are meeting people, talk to people but all of that are just virtually and that’s obviously not good. It can even break people’s friendship and even relationship because they are not talking to each other anymore. Through Facebook too, trust in people is fading, according to the article.

Based on my own opinion, I have to admit now that Facebook is not good in certain ways. Like everything that have been mentioned in the article by Wortham, they are all make sense. Good ones actually. But at the same time, I need to admit that how hard I ignored Facebook, I still can’t live without it. Facebook has become like a part of the air that I’m breathing everyday. It’s like, how bad the air has been polluted, but we still need air to live right? So, it’s pretty much balance on how my thoughts on Facebook. I’m not going to persuade people to start to use Facebook, but at least I’m not encouraging them to quit Facebook.

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